Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Mirror Mirror On The Wall

Mirror Mirror On The Wall

By Joeysguy

Mirror mirror on the wall

Who is the loneliest person of all

This mirror that hangs on my wall

For a long time and never did fall

I use to lift my kids when they were small

To look in the mirror on the wall

After a few years the kids grew tall

They no longer needed my help to look in the mirror on the wall

Looking in the mirror for many years

With smiles and even some tears

In that mirror I would see my life

Standing with me, my kids and my wife

Now in front of that mirror what do I see

Standing there, only me

I think of hanging pictures on the opposite wall

So the mirror would show me the image of us all

What the mirror has shown

That I will go through life on my own

My pain never goes away

Sometimes it's stronger each day